Soil & Rehabilitation Research Reports
- Opencast mine rehabilitation with biomix
- The impact of cattle grazing on rehabilitated land
- Rehabilitation risk assessment model
- Bio-indicators in Stockpiled Coal Mining Soils in South Africa
- Project 8.4.5 – Using GPR to Improve Rehab Soil Characterisation
- Project 12.2 – Land Rehabilitation Guideline for Surface Coal Mines
- Benefits of an Apiary at a Rehabilitation Site
- Project 8.3.3 – Framework to Guide Mine-related Land Use Planning Towards Optimisation of the Coal Mining Rehabilitated Landscape
- Soil Rehabilitation: Can Dung Beetles Improve Post-mining Land-use Options?
- Assessing the Ecosystem Processes of Ecological Infrastructure on Post-coal Mined Land
- Stockpiling of Coal Mine Soils
- Rehabilitation of Mined Land – Soil Compaction Alleviation
- Evaluation of Three Native Grass Species and a Tree Species for Coal Mine Rehabilitation
- Guidelines for the Rehabilitation of Mined Land
- Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Alleviation of Soil Compaction on Mined Land
- Development of Techniques to Predict and Manage the Impact of Surface Subsidence
- Agricultural Research on Rehabilitated Coal Mined Land (1994-2001) Conducted in Terms of the Kraai Van Niekerk Report